Liv Liv


As a designer (turned digital press operator), one of the biggest requests from clients is to make their product “POP” (insert image of jazz hands here.) From paper and ink to sleeking and laminating, there is an endless number of ways we can make your product POP!

Make It POP!

As a designer (turned digital press operator), one of the biggest requests from clients is to make their product “POP” (insert image of jazz hands here.) From paper and ink to sleeking and laminating, there is an endless number of ways we can make your product POP! Well today is your lucky day! I am here to show you some of the ways we can “make it POP” 


One of the easiest and most cost effective ways to change the entire look of your print material is to change your paper (this could be a whole blog post alone!) There are so many weights (thicknesses), colours and textures to choose from. There are so many choices it can be overwhelming. If you need suggestions ask! Often when jobs come through and I think it will look better on a different type of paper I will suggest a change to the client. 

Special Finishes 

Gold, Silver, White, Clear! oh my! 

Add some gold or silver to you logo, or an invitation to catch someones eye. A little can go a long way. 

Through experimenting we also found we can make many different metallic colours by printing a colour over top of gold or silver! Fun! 

Our Clear option is a great way to accentuate something on a page or add a discreet design element. 

Soft Touch, Matte or Super Gloss finishes 

Step up your game by adding the sense of touch/feel by using an overall soft touch laminate. (We encourage you to stop in and feel the difference!) An overall Matte lamination adds a classy feel to your design AND not to mention gives a super amazing effect over top of gold & silver. 

We recently discovered printing on top of Matte lam gives probably my favourite end result. (We are always experimenting to see what we can do!) 

But don’t take my word for it. Come in and grab one of our WOW packages where we showcase how to use some of these effects. Or have a peek at some of our previous jobs that use these effects. 

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Liv Liv


So you’re branding a new business, amazing! It’s an extremely busy and exciting time in your life. It’s easy to get caught up in making sure your product or service is perfect (and so you should!), but don’t forget that there’s more to starting a new business than a top-of-the-line tool, the newest products or fresh paint on the walls.

So you’re branding a new business, amazing! It’s an extremely busy and exciting time in your life. It’s easy to get caught up in making sure your product or service is perfect (and so you should!), but don’t forget that there’s more to starting a new business than a top-of-the-line tool, the newest products or fresh paint on the walls. 

As you read through, take some time to look at the photo collages. We've featured 3 unique businesses with outstanding brands, smart print pieces and who network regularly in the community and keep their social media profiles fresh.  

Starting with a great brand, here’s 3 things that we know you’ll need to have when starting your business:

1) A Brand: 

Give your business a personality and life of its own by taking the time to establish your brand. Your brand is what identifies your product or service to the customer and sets it apart from the competition. Your target customers need a face that they can see, understand and trust…and your soon-to-be repeat customers need a brand that they can recognize and remember as your business grows. 

The most obvious part of a “brand” is your business name & logo, but a brand is made up of so many moving parts…it’s defined by your company values, product quality, the language you use, the photos you display on your social media, and how well & often you connect with your customers. Take the time to define mission statements, goals and target markets for your business, and then work with Graphic Designers and Marketing professionals to create a brand that reflects what you have to offer. 

2) Print Materials: 

Digital advertising has endless ways to regularly and consistently show off what you can do. Even though today’s focus is on technology, having something tangible like a business card is irreplaceable. It’s important to carefully choose and create print pieces that give your customers something to hold onto and remind them of you, something that isn’t as fleeting as an Instagram story. 


There’s an endless list of print possibilities, so it’s important to plan and invest in quality print. Talk to your print house or Graphic Designer to brainstorm ideas that will give you the best bang for your buck. Perhaps one printed piece can serve a dual purpose? Consider a business/appointment card, a rack card with a coupon tear-off, or generic fillable labels that allow your product line to change and grow. With a new business it can be handy to keep your materials as generic as possible while you learn what pieces are more useful. Imagine what would make your business look spectacularly professional (don’t be afraid to dream big!) and then think about which items could check off a few boxes! It’s also important to consider a variety of complimenting print materials…make sure you have a great banner and an informative rack card rather than a rack card AND a brochure. 

3) A Professional Network: 

The Bay of Quinte Region offers so much to new business start ups and enthusiastic entrepreneurs! We’re located in a hotspot for tourism, rural and outdoor living, all the while just a stone’s throw away from major city centres like Toronto, Kingston, Peterborough and Ottawa. 

Get started by contacting your local city hall, researching various networking events and organizations, and by joining & supporting community initiatives. Networking in person gives you a chance to know the other businesses that you’ll be working alongside. This relationship also provides a great opportunity to pass along trust-worthy referrals from one business to another. Make sure you have some business cards and informative handouts to give to new connections. Remember: No one is born knowing how to run a business, so don’t be afraid to ask for help from and make local support organizations like the Quinte Business Development Centre at Loyalist College a part of your network. 

Here’s a few places to get inspired and check out what’s going on in the area: 

Lastly…we took the focus away from technology for a moment in section 2, but make sure your professional network also includes streamlined social media pages for your business to connect with local customers, business owners, similar businesses and people across the province, country and WORLD! 

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Liv Liv


We live in a visually driven world, so it’s not surprising that signage and display plays a huge role in the success of a business. A study conducted by FedEx showed that nearly 76% of consumers (8 in 10) said that they had entered a store or business they had never visited before based simply on its signs.*


We live in a visually driven world, so it’s not surprising that signage and display plays a huge role in the success of a business. A study conducted by FedEx showed that nearly 76% of consumers (8 in 10) said that they had entered a store or business they had never visited before based simply on its signs.*

New and established business owners should regularly ask themselves “How do I get new customers through the door?” The answer: great signage & display. Your signage should work hard for you by attracting, welcoming and informing a potential customer, all before they experience the quality of your product/service.

1. Express 

Your signage & display materials should express your brand, company culture and values. Your logo should be proudly displayed and easy to see. The images, fonts and colours that you choose and the ways in which you decide to display them will tell the customer a story about you. Wall murals and canvas prints are a great way to immerse your customers in an experience that is more than just the products on the shelves. 

2. Educate 

Signage is an opportunity to educate customers about your business, industry, products, service, sales, contests, & special offers. Were you voted #1 business of the year? Put it on a Plak! 

3. Re-Fresh 

Your signage & display should change with the times. Interchangeable signage like click-frames and tabletop roll up banners are easy to keep updated, especially when you want your in-office graphics to match your current social media campaign. 

4. Attract 

Your signage should be eye-catching, attractive and welcoming. Most customers feel that businesses with a badly designed sign will offer a lesser quality product or unprofessional service and won’t give the business a chance. Show customers that you have a great product/service! Thoughtfully place your sign (and be careful not to overwhelm by hanging too many!), invest in good design, and get the right material for the job. Your business signs, a-frame signs, roll up banners and hanging banners should be easy to see, easy to decipher and look fresh! 

5. Direct 

You should have signage & displays that make your customer’s day easy. Consider way-finding signage and floor graphics for easy navigation, seating charts for your event or window lettering that helps the customer find you while window-shopping in a plaza. 

6. Answer Questions 

Any questions that your customer might have before buying your product/service should be answered by your signage. Parking instructions, service menus, price lists & hours of operation are a few ways to make your customer feel at ease and in control. 

7. Build Trust 

Your signage should be professional, with proper spelling, good design & use quality materials in order to make your customers feel that they can trust you. Keeping your signage consistent with your social media and advertisements will make you recognizable and will increase the customer’s confidence in you. Would you trust a person driving an un-marked van to enter your home and do work for you, or would you feel safer seeing a van with company graphics that match the appointment card you received when booking the service? 

Remember: Great signage & display doesn’t stop at the storefront. 

Vehicle lettering and building signage should attract customers to your store and build trust; Floor graphics, seating charts and way-finding signs should direct event-goers; Banners and easel back signs should make your trade show booth stand out; Click-frame posters and Plaks should educate your patients in the waiting room; If well-planned, your signage should be working for you by creating a positive experience for your customer. 


Check out how we can make your business’ signage work for you:


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Liv Liv


The term “Rack Card” usually refers to a 4” x 9” or 3.5” x 8.5” card stock promotional handout. It’s a great alternative to 3-panel brochures if you don’t have quite as much information to share, and fits in standard brochure holders like those found in waiting rooms and information booths.


The term “Rack Card” usually refers to a 4” x 9” or 3.5” x 8.5” card stock promotional handout. It’s a great alternative to 3-panel brochures if you don’t have quite as much information to share, and fits in standard brochure holders like those found in waiting rooms and information booths. 

We think rack cards are such a sleek, cost-effective and versatile format that they should be used for more than just business information, so we’ve brainstormed and come up with a few creative ways to use the rack card format: 

GIFT CERTIFICATE (just turn it sideways!) 

Printed in a landscape format, the rack card size fits perfectly in a #10 envelope and gives sufficient space to handwrite information such as the dollar value, authorization signature, special notes, to & from and the issue date. 

Wedding & Event Program 

After you’ve brought out all the stops to make your event amazingly entertaining, consider keeping the program simple and sleek. This way your attendees can focus less on the sorting through the itinerary and more on the fun! Rack cards provide an easy-to-navigate format compared to traditional program booklets. 

Speciality Event & Seasonal Menus 

Your special event will have a few carefully selected meals (and desserts!) so rather than displaying your offerings on a bland letter size piece of paper, class it up by printing your menu in a polished rack card format. 

Price Lists 

The tall, nature layout of a rack card is ideal for lists! Use one or both sides to list your products, services and pricing. Do you offer too much to sum it up on just two sides of a rack card? Consider a folded rack card for a professional, high quality option. 

A rack card isn't limited to one purpose or layout, so get creative and make use of this versatile print option!  

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Liv Liv


If you’ve heard the design & printing term “bleed” you may wonder why it's so important for your files to include it. “Well I don’t want my ink to bleed, so what are you asking me?”

If you’ve heard the design & printing term “bleed” you may wonder why it's so important for your files to include it. “Well I don’t want my ink to bleed, so what are you asking me?” 

Bleed is a relatively simple concept: it is the printing that extends past the edge of the final trimmed print size. Including proper bleed in your design ensures that the final printed product does not have a white margin. 

The minimum amount of bleed is 0.125” (1/8th of an inch) for smaller print jobs (posters, business cards, forms, etc) and 0.25” (1/4 of an inch) for larger jobs (large posters, banners, etc). Each printer may have different bleed requirements so be sure to check. 

Keep in mind that since bleed is past the edge of the page everything in the bleed area will be trimmed off, so don’t put anything important in this area! 

Did you find this blog informative? Click the Subscribe link at the top of this page to get notified every time we post something new!  

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Liv Liv


Have you worked with a Graphic Designer in the past? Better yet, do you know what a Graphic Designer is or what they do? Graphic Design might seem like a mystery job, but it shapes everything that you see in the world around you.

Have you worked with a Graphic Designer in the past? Better yet, do you know what a Graphic Designer is or what they do? Graphic Design might seem like a mystery job, but it shapes everything that you see in the world around you. 

Take a look around your office: A Graphic Designer created the logo for the company that made your computer monitor. The calendar that you rely on to keep yourself on track? Laid out by a Graphic Designer! The invoices that your company uses? Yep, them too! Even the magazines in your break room, the wrapper on your granola bar, and the advertisements you see while scrolling through Facebook. 

Read on to learn more about what a Graphic Designer is, what they can do for your business, what to expect when you start a project and how you can make the most of the process! 


Graphic Designers use computers to create layouts and graphics that often combine colour, text, illustrations and photos to visually communicate a message online or in print media. In their toolbox are the essential programs: Adobe Illustrator (for logo design and illustration), Adobe InDesign (for layout) and Adobe Photoshop (for photo editing). 

Graphic Designers create layouts for almost everything you see during your day. 

1) Print - mailers, publications, business cards, packaging etc. 

2) Social media - ads, posts, profile and cover images etc. 

3) Branding - logo design, brand standards guidelines etc. 

4) Advertising - web banners, magazine ads, billboards etc. 

5) Signage - business signs, banners, rink boards, vehicle lettering & magnets etc. 


Graphic Designers are trained to design professional graphics. They understand how to draw attention, highlight important information, and communicate beyond the obvious written message by using colours, shapes and photos. 

Professionally designed graphics make the most of your business’ investment into print, social media, branding, advertising or signage. Why use generic invoices that don’t accommodate the products or services you provide when you could have a custom-designed invoice with space for the information that is important to you? Why advertise with lawn signs if the text is too small to read? A Graphic Designer will ensure that your message is as effective as possible within the parameters. 

Proper file types and sizes are also important, especially when it comes to print. Low resolution or poorly designed files can be costly to re-print or reflect poorly on your business. 


In a way, your Graphic Designer will be a part of your business’ team, so you want someone who gets your vision. There are a few things to consider when deciding on who will be a great fit: 

1) Location: Graphic designers can do the majority of their work on the computer and online, so they can work with clients all over the world. If you communicate better face-to-face or if it’s important for you to see samples of your print design, you might consider hiring locally. 

2) Price range: Contact a few designers in your desired range  to get quotes on their services and learn about how they break down their costs. This will help you get a sense of what good graphic design costs, and will help you set a realistic budget. 

3) Reviews: Look for reviews online and on social media 

4) Portfolio: These days you should be able to see everything you’ll want on the Graphic Designer’s website or social media pages. Looking for something more specific to your project? Ask them if they can put together a few examples of similar work that they have done in the past. 

5) Vibe: How well do you “click” with the Graphic Designer? Are you comfortable sharing your ideas with them? Do you find it easy and quick to communicate back and forth? 


Definitely! By working with one Graphic Designer, you’ll save yourself a tonne of time and money. All of your files will be in one place so you’ll get more consistent designs that match. You’ll also develop a relationship with the Graphic Designer, so they’ll have a great sense of your expectations, personal style, work habits and brand. 



Decide what you need and when you need it – If you’re not sure what the best fit would be, or what other options are out there, a Graphic Designer can help you make an informed decision. 


Having everything needed to complete your project will make the design process smoother. Here are a few things to supply to the Graphic Designer before staring your next project: 

a) Images — your own photos or selected from a stock photography website 

b) Colours — brand colours; colour palettes you like 

c) Logos — vector files of your company logo, as well as any others needed 

e) Content — Typed up in a Word document or the body of an email and ready to be used in your project. Now’s the time to correct spelling errors and make sure your content says exactly what you want because it will reduce the number of changes during the design process. 


Now’s the time to explain your vision, show off your previous projects, express your likes and dislikes, and give some examples of other designs that you’ve seen and appreciated. 


The Graphic Designer will use your supplied content and inspiration to layout your project. 


Once the initial design is completed, a proof of your project will be emailed to you so you can see a sample. Look everything over — check to make sure the spelling, images, colours and content are correct. Let the designer know what you like or dislike about the design and what changes need to be made. 


Based on your feedback, the designer will make the required changes and send another proof to you. Sometimes only 1 round of changes is needed, and sometimes there are multiple! When you’re just about done making changes it’s a great time to request a hard copy proof. 


Once you’ve looked it over one last time and you’re happy with the final design, give your approval. A final file will be created which will be ready to used online or in print. 

Thanks for reading!  

Emily & Lindsay 

Graphic Design  

613 394 3245 x223 

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Liv Liv


Attending a trade show is an investment in your business’ marketing strategy, which may sound daunting, but there are easy steps that you can take to make the most of it!

Attending a trade show is an investment in your business’ marketing strategy, which may sound daunting, but there are easy steps that you can take to make the most of it! Unlike social media, radio advertising or ad mail, trade shows are an opportunity to meet potential customers face-to-face, build a relationship and get them excited about what you have to offer! 



Take a look into various trade show events in the area and decide which would best suit your business. If you want to expand out of your immediate area, try looking into trade shows in a different city, province or country. 

There might be a few trade shows that would be a great fit for your business. If you plan on attending multiple, be sure to research the types of businesses that attend each show, and the demographics of the customers. You may need to adjust your marketing tools and goals for each specific event. 

For example, a home accessories/cooking-ware shop could create a housewarming prize basket to entice soon-to-be-newlyweds at a bridal show, while they might make a barbeque prize pack for more established families at a home & lifestyle show. Your giveaway and display materials like rack cards and rollup banners should also be specific to your target audience’s interests and needs, which could mean listing and highlighting different products or services. 


 A well-designed booth reflects on your business as being prepared, organized and established. Make sure you have all of the display materials you need, and the tools to make it happen. Email to get our handy trade show checklist. 


Educating your staff and writing content about your company’s history, competitive advantages and goals will make sure your customers get straightforward and correct information. Email to get a worksheet that will help you answer these questions and write content for your handouts. 



Determine specific, achievable and relevant goals that will encourage your staff to work harder and help you measure your success. 

A few goal examples: 

-Set up 10 follow-up calls 

-Hand out 500 business cards 

-Collect 100 emails 

-Get 50 raffle entries 


Too many staff will be intimidating, too few will result in staff being overworked and not providing customers with enough one-on-one time. 

Staffing recommendations: 

10x10 booth: 2-3 staff 

10x20 booth: 4 staff 

20x20 booth: 5-6 staff 


Use social media leading up to and while you’re at the event! 

-Share photos throughout the day 

-Use the event hashtag 

-Promote the event like it’s your own 

-Follow & engage with the trade show’s social media accounts. 


Keep your booth in line with your brand, but make sure you keep in mind what draws attention (i.e. bright, shiny, big things). 

Including big pieces like backdrops, roll up banners, hanging banners, & photo frames with smaller pieces like brochures, business cards and product samples will make your booth visually interesting from top to bottom, from close up to across the room. 


Initiate and maintain conversations with potential customers! Find that nerve-wracking? Make sure you practice beforehand. 

-Initiate conversation – don’t expect customers to come to you. Greet them, ask about their day, draw them in 

-Be professional – shake their hand, establish a relationship 

-Be approachable – Stay off of your phone and get out in the crowd rather than hiding behind your table 


It’s important that you don’t rush into selling. Take the time to ask the customer questions which will teach you how you can help them and naturally lead to your services. 


Provide brochures, rack cards and other takeaways that answer the customer’s important questions after the trade show (ie “how the heck do I get a hold of that business?!” or “What types of maintenance did they say they do?”). Handouts are great tools to make sure the customer remembers you after they’ve left your booth and talked to hundreds of other vendors. 


Everyone loves something FREE! Whenever possible, give something away with your brand on it. 


Make your booth fun by incorporating a contest, game or photo booth. This will save you money because you’ll be giving away fewer items while making sure customers spend more time with you! 


Your customers can tell if you enjoy and believe in what you do/sell! 


Just kidding! Just because the trade show is over doesn’t mean your work is done or that the benefit of attending the event has come and gone! 


After taking the time to start building a relationship with so many potential customers at the trade show, it’s important that you follow-up with them. Following up reminds the customer that you exist, gives them a sense of your availability, makes them feel special, and gives you a chance to find out more about what your customers want/need. 


Take the time to re-cap the trade show on your social media. Posting about your trade show experience and sharing photos is an opportunity to reflect on the event (including your successes & failures), re-connect with your new customers and show your followers how engaged and hardworking you are! 

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Liv Liv


When working with a designer, they may refer to your image resolution, saying something along the lines of, “This image is low resolution. Can you provide us a high resolution image?”

If you’re unfamiliar with image resolution, then keep reading to find out what it is and why it is important to the print and digital world!

The Only Resolution You Need To Care About This Year. 

When working with a designer, they may refer to your image resolution, saying something along the lines of, “This image is low resolution. Can you provide us a high resolution image?” 

If you’re unfamiliar with image resolution, then keep reading to find out what it is and why it is important to the print and digital world! 

What Is Image Resolution? 

Image resolution refers o the amount of detail in an image, usually described in PPI (pixels per inch) or DPI (dots per inch). The higher the resolution, the more PPI; more pixel information creates high-quality, crisp images.

What Are Pixels? 

The word itself refers to “picture element”: a physical point in an image. Although typically seen as squares, pixels could also be in the form of dots or lines. If you zoom in close to an image on your computer screen you should be able to see them. 

In colouring systems, they can been shown as a combination of pixels in either RGB  (red, green and blue, used for digital media such as TV or computers) or CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow and black, used for print media). 

What Is PPI? 

PPI describes the number of square pixels that show up in one square inch of digital screen (usually between 67-300). For digital viewing, computers display at 72ppi. For example a 1600x800px (pixel) image with 300ppi will look exactly the same as it would if the same 1600x800px image had only 72ppi. 

What Is DPI? 

DPI, on the other hand, is a printing term referring to the number of physical dots of ink in a printed document. Pixels in physical formats do not have fixed sizes. This means if you provide an image that is 1600x800 pixels at 300dpi or 72dpi the image will stretch to fit the number of dots necessary in those resolution sizes. This can result in low-resolution images where you may physically see the printed dots. 

What Is Considered High Resolution? 

For PRINT: Some professional, high-end printers may require images to be up to 600 dpi for printing, however, it is generally considered industry standard to print pictures with 300 dpi. 

For DIGITAL: As discussed in “What is PPI?”, the pixel dimensions are what really affects an image in digital media. Therefore, it is common for digital media to require images be only 72ppi. 

Note: Have you ever tried to print an image you took on your phone and the quality seemed bad? That’s because cell phones generally take images 72ppi. 

Why Is Image Resolution Important? 

Images with lower resolutions have fewer pixels, meaning the image has less pixel information. This will create a less detailed image, and if those few pixels are too large (usually when an image is stretched), they can become visible. 

How Can You Check Your Image’s Resolution? 

In Photoshop: “Image” > “Image Size” 

In Microsoft Paint: Dropdown on the top left > “Properties” 

On PC: Right click image and select "Properties" > click on the “Details” tab 

On Mac: Ctrl click and select "Get info" 

Most of these options will also provide you with the image size. 

Note: You can check how large your image can be printed by using math. Since images need to be printed at 300 ppi: simply divide the number of pixels in the image by 300.  For example: If the image is 5794x3922 pixels; 5794 divided by 300 = 19.31, 3922 divided by 300 = 13.07, so the largest size this image can be printed at is 19.31x13.07″.  

Things to keep in mind: Resampling for Printing 

If you change the resolution of an image, you are changing the pixel information. For example, if your image has 300ppi, it will have 300 pixels per inch of the image, which is a fair amount of pixels. If you change the resolution of 72ppi, it will only have 72 pixels per inch which is significantly fewer, making it not as crisp. So, if you are looking to change an image with 72ppi to 300ppi, the image would reduce to a much smaller size. 

Resolution rule of thumb: The higher the ppi/dpi the better! 

It’s always better to have more pixel information than not enough! 

I hope this blog answers your questions on image resolution. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask! 

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Liv Liv

Planning for success!

Kickstart Your Business Brand During Small Business Week

Calling all small business owners! It’s small business week, which is a great time to assess your brand and marketing needs.

Kickstart Your Business Brand During Small Business Week

Calling all small business owners!! 

It’s small business week, which is a great time to assess your brand and marketing needs. Take some time to nurture your brand by scheduling a free consultation with one of our designers. They can help you through the process of creating a new brand or refining an existing one. Sometimes a brand doesn’t require a complete overhaul, a simple update can work wonders for your marketing! Our designers can also assist you in choosing print materials that will advertise your small business in the best possible way.  

What is a brand? A brand is a visual or set of visuals that distinguishes your business from competitors. Brands can be words or graphics or a combination of both, a logo and supporting graphics or taglines to help you market your business effectively. 

Why is a brand important? Establishing a consistent brand is AS important for small businesses as it is for large companies. Having a unified look across your marketing materials can make your start-up look professional and established. Choosing a style and palette to work from will help streamline the look of your brand and make you more recognizable to existing and potential customers. 

Kickstart your brand! Talking with a designer to create a logo and a few initial marketing tools can really start you off on the right foot when creating your business plan. Let our designer know about materials you are thinking of using in the future and they will design a logo that translates well to a variety of print and digital medias. From tradeshow appearances to social media advertising, meeting with one of our designers to chat about concepts and ideas will allow your brand to have a solid foundation to build on. The designer can get a feel for your likes and dislikes and a sense of your business style. If you have noticed a brand or advertising that really works, bring it in to show us! We can talk about why it works and come up with a solution for your business. 

Designers will help you choose colours, fonts and graphics that represent you and your small business. The branding you choose can then be used for immediate print requirements and for future advertising projects. From social media, business cards, brochures, labels and booklets to signage and vehicle graphics, it can all be coordinated to make you stand out in the community! It only takes a few products to get started. Even starting with a basic logo is effective. A simple design and colours may seem TOO simple, but when executed properly, it actually lets your product do the talking. The brand becomes the backbone of your business. Your brand is the constant as your products change and your services evolve. 

Your brand can even carry over to your social media advertising. Everyone likes to share,… an eye catching brand is easy to share! Let your customers be your brand ambassadors, by sharing your posts on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. People will remember your logo when they see your product at a tradeshow or in a store. There, you’ve made it easy for your customer simply by presenting a streamlined image! 

A unique name combined with a strong brand will make you memorable. Pair that with a great product/service and you are sure to stand out when being compared other similar businesses. 

Consistency is key when creating your business brand,… and we can help with that!! 

Stop in to see what we can do for your small business!  

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Liv Liv


The holiday season is a busy time of year, especially for business owners. In between taking the time to personally thank your customers & employees and give back to your ever-supportive community, you also need to make sure your goods fly off the shelves just in time for Christmas morning.

The holiday season is a busy time of year, especially for business owners. In between taking the time to personally thank your customers & employees and give back to your ever-supportive community, you also need to make sure your goods fly off the shelves just in time for Christmas morning. 

JB Print offers a wide range of unique, local and custom print products and services. We’ve picked 10 of our most popular holiday items that will make your business sparkle, each of which are custom designed and printed in-house by our skilled staff.   

Pro Tip: Get your holiday printing started early and you’ll be ready to celebrate stress-free! 

To get started, give us a call at 613-394-3245

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Liv Liv

Buying Local #Print Benefits YOU!

JB Print Solutions has been providing professional, high quality print for the Quinte region since 1983. From business cards to store signage, we provide you with products to suit your business and maximize your investment. 

Here are 5 reasons to print locally with JB Print: 

1. Meet face-to-face with experienced professionals.  

Our team has hundreds of years of combined experience in the print industry. We use this knowledge and expertise to creatively and effectively provide you with print solutions. 

2. Maximize your investment.  

We ask the right questions and give helpful answers to ensure you’re getting the right product the first time. 

3. Quality control from order to delivery.  

All products pass through a variety of check points so you walk away every time with consistent, high quality, in-house print that you’re proud of. 

4. Custom design. 

Our graphic designers will meet with you to discuss your vision, tailor your designs and create a unique brand for your business. 

5. There are no (bad) surprises!  

You can see and feel samples in-house, select your favourite paper, get design inspiration and feel confident that your finished product will exceed your expectations. 

Check out what we can do for your business by visiting or call us at 613-394-3245 to set up a tour with Ian Anderson! 

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Liv Liv

From Order To Ink

How a print job progresses through the shop from order to the finished product

From Order To Ink

From the moment you place your order to holding the finished print in your hands, your project moves through multiple quality check-points. Each of these steps are crucial to ensuring an efficient process and a high-quality print product. Read on to find out more about our process and the route your projects take from order to ink! 

Step 1: Welcome to JB Print Solutions! Whether you’ve worked with us in the past or we’re just getting to know you, we kick start every project the same way: by gathering as much information as possible! At this stage our customer service reps will chat with you about your project and get your contact information so we can keep in touch along the way. The information collected will go to our estimator for pricing if requested or head straight to the design department. 

Step 2: Design Department – Every order passes through the design department whether it’s brand new or we’ve printed it a dozen times before. Our designers work with clients to create graphics from scratch, ensure that supplied files are print-ready and proof standing files to make sure the correct file is printed. During this stage, all jobs are reviewed before production by cross-examining the original order form with follow-up conversations and the final approved files. Whenever possible, our designers work with the production manager to order stock early so that production isn’t delayed after artwork approval. 

Step 3: Production Manager – Once the artwork is approved we can get your project on track for printing. Our Production Manager reviews the job ticket, orders stock and schedules the presses and man-power to make your project happen as quickly and successfully as possible. When scheduling, similar jobs are grouped in order to save time and resources by reducing stock waste and by avoiding unnecessary ink clean-ups. Special due-dates, job scope and even the daily temperature are considerations when determining a course of action. 

**Check out our blog to learn more about how climate affects our process: 

Step 4: Pre-press – At this stage files are pre-flighted for printing by ensuring the size, page count, colouring, and folds match the approved proof. The press operator, pre-press operator and designers work together to review a printed sample. This sample is a key step in making sure all expectations are met and any potential errors are addressed before the job heads to the presses. 

Step 5: Production – This is where the magic happens: Our press operators and sign-maker start printing! After all of the steps leading up to this step may sound easy… but our skilled operators know there’s more involved than just hitting “print”. In between loading stocks, calibrating machines, ensuring efficient use of stocks, mixing ink and making sure all of the mechanics are running smoothly, they must also ensure that the print looks great! 

Step 6: Bindery & Finishing – This is where it all comes together! Our press operators pass off the printed pieces to the capable hands of our bindery staff. Our bindery team works hard to fold, number, perforate, die-cut, bind and pad your projects, with each individual project presenting a unique scope of tasks. This is the final opportunity to ensure your project is done right before being packaged for pick up or delivery.   

Want to know more about our process? 

Give us a call today to schedule a tour with Ian (Owner/Client Care) – 613-394-3245 x229 

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Liv Liv


An artists and photographers guide to creative print products 

So you’ve made something amazing – maybe it’s a painting or even a really nice photograph or something else entirely – and you’re looking to give or sell a copy to someone. 

You might already know that we make wrapped canvases (you can check out our social media for some pictures of our Fall Canvas wall); but did you know we also offer a lot of other art related products? JB Print offers a wide range of unique, local and custom print products and services. From art prints to postcards to magnets to buttons and everything in between – we’re positive we’ll have something to suit your needs. 

Not sure where to start when trying to convert your original art into a “print”? Check out the image below to follow our step-by-step guide. 

Have any questions? From start to finish JB Print Solutions is here to help! Give us a call at 613-394-3245 to get started. 

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Liv Liv



Follow these easy steps and you’ll have a print-ready file to send us! 


1) Size as – Create your file dimensions using the finished print size (ie, 3.5” width x 2” height for a business card) 

2) Bleed – Include 0.125” on all edges (top, bottom, left and right) for digital and offset printing 

Include 0.25” on all edges (top, bottom, left and right) for wide format printing over 4 feet 

3) Margins – Make sure your important information has a large enough margin between it and the edge of the paper so it won’t be trimmed off. We recommend no less than a 0.25” margin on all edges for digital and offset printing. 

4) Guidelines – If there is folding, perforation or numbering, create guidelines on your file so that you can visualize the folds and ensure your content aligns properly when finished. Make sure these guidelines don’t show on the final print-ready file (ie if you’re using InDesign you can use rulers). 

5) Pages – Make sure you have the correct number of pages in your file. (ie, if you’re creating a saddle-stitched book, your page number should be divisible by 4.) 



1) Colour format – Make sure all swatches, images and graphics are in the proper colour mode for the project (CMYK, GREYSCALE OR SPOT COLOURS) 

- CMYK for full colour jobs (Can be ran digitally, on press or our Large format machines) 

- Greyscale for B&W jobs (Can be ran digitally or on either of our Presses) 

- Spot/PMS colours for 1, 2 or 3 ink Colour jobs (Can be ran on our small 1-3 Colour press or in some cases our large press).  

2) Fonts – Outline the fonts so they don’t change and print differently than expected 

3) Links – Make sure none are missing and that all are high enough resolution for the size they are being printed (300dpi) 


1) Name your file with a logical description (ie, if it’s a business card for Joanne and Tim’s Donuts, name it: “BusinessCard_TimsDonuts_JoanneB”, not “lalalalalala_unicornsaregreat_bcard_JB” 

2) File type – Save as an Adobe PDF – High quality print 

* If there are transparencies (any effects, including drop shadows, opacity changes, outer glows, multiply filters etc.) use the PDF export preset option “PDF/X-1a:2001” and then change “transparency flattener” settings in “advanced” menu to “high resolution” 

3) Pages – Export the correct pages (if it’s a book, make sure you export as single “pages”, and not as “spreads”. If exported as spreads, when folded the pages won’t appear in the correct order. 

4) Crops and Bleed – Include document bleed settings and crop marks 

Last but not least, make sure you wait until your file is completely finished before you send us a print ready file. All changes should be made before sending the file in for printing. Sending the final, approved file will avoid confusion and eliminate the possibility of printing an incorrect or old version of your file. 

Do you have a print ready file you’d like printed? Click this link to send us your files! 

Do you have questions? Feel free to ask us by giving us a call at 613-394-3245

Tamara, Estimator/Art Director  –   613-394-3245 x.226 

Emily, Graphic Designer –   613-394-3245 x.223 

Lindsay, Graphic Designer –   613-394-3245 x.223 


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Liv Liv

Photo Filters: They’re not just for Instagram 

Photos speak a thousand words, which is why it’s important to carefully choose your photos when using them in print. The images you select should support your content without being distracting or seeming out-of-place. 

For example, if you’re creating a theatre program for a play set in World War 1 you may want to edit your new, digital photos to look like they were taken in the early 1900s by using greyscale or sepia tone filters. 

What are photo effects? 

Photo effects are filters that we apply to an image in Photoshop to visually alter the colouring and style of the photo. You’re probably familiar with filters in Instagram like “Moon” to change your photo to black and white, or “Juno” to bump up the colour vibrancy. The best part about digital photo effects is that you’ll always have a copy of the original, unaltered photo. You can also try on different effects until you find one that suits the application. 

What photo effects can be used? 

A few of the most common effects are: 
1. Greyscale – a black and white image 
2. Sepia – a black and white image with warm tones 
3. Monotone – similar to a black and white image with a colour replacing the black areas in the photo 
4. Duotone – A pair of light and dark colours replace what would typically be the black and white areas in an image 

We can also edit images by sharpening slightly, lightening, darkening or by increasing colour vibrancy, saturation and contrast.   

Why use photo effects? 

1. Create consistency in your images – Photos taken at a different time, place, or with a different camera have variations that make it obvious they aren’t a matching set.   

For example, if you want to have canvases printed for your home using a variety of old and new family photos, we could make them match by making them black and white. 

2. Save money – Printing your publication in greyscale, 1 colour (monotone) or 2 colour (duotone) can sometimes reduce costs because we use less ink colours. Although full colour CMYK printing is vibrant and swanky, 2 ink colours can be just an impactful when used in a good design with a thoughtfully selected paper stock. 

3. Give your publication a different vibe – Take your photos back to Victorian times with sepia tones or bump up the colours to make your print extra fun and bold. 

4. Stay on brand – By using your brand colours as the image colours you can keep everything that you print cohesive. 

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Liv Liv


How Climate Affects Paper & Printing  

Despite working from inside the comfort of JB our presses and paper are still subject to the same Canadian climate as the rest of us. Each season we are presented with obstacles that the print industry has dealt with for many years. Thankfully with years of experience, we know exactly what to do in each season, adjusting our print practices so we can run efficiently day-to-day. Here are a few ways we customize our printing procedures! 


It comes as no shock that Canadian winters are cold and dry. While most of us counteract this with warm clothing and drinks, we haven’t been able to find a toque big enough for the press yet. So we use other tricks to ensure you get the best quality products that exceed your expectations. 

Our paper is delivered from the cold outdoors on a delivery truck. This causes the paper to change shape and dry out, which means it needs to acclimatize for a few days to room temperature and add moisture back in. For this reason, our production manager has to stay on top of our stock supply to ensure that orders are placed with our suppliers as early as possible.  

We don’t normally think of our paper having moisture, but the lack of it can make a huge difference in the print industry, the same goes for having cold paper. The changing shape of cold paper means that the 4 colours won't properly register as they run through each of the CMYK ink towers, making it difficult to produce an accurate image. Each colour could be as much as 1/8" misaligned. This is why our press operator will run test sheets to guarantee the best image quality. 

The cold is only half of the problem that we battle in the winter as the dry air presents an entirely new set of challenges.  Dry air creates static, which besides making your hair stand on end also causes our paper to stick together. Staticky paper won't feed properly into the press. This is also an obstacle in bindery when using the folder, making it important for our staff to keep a close eye on the stock as it feeds through. While heavy weight cover stock is unaffected by static, it often causes lighter text weight paper to stick together resulting in jams. 

Climate care technology allows us to control the room temperature and add humidity into the press room to help the paper run smoothly. This added control is beneficial when running more challenging stocks such as synthetic, plastic-like sheets, because of the static they create. 

The winter also means that ink takes longer to dry. Depending on the stock, projects may need to sit longer before running the back side or proceeding with bindery to avoid ink transferring onto other sheets or smudging. 

 The most important consideration in the winter is timelines. We always want to make certain our clients get their products in an orderly and timely manner. This is why in the winter the JB team is proactive in ordering our stock and planning realistic production schedules. It also means our press operator gets his press running bright and early in the morning so it can warm up the rollers and be ready to print for the day! 


Moving to the opposite end of the scale, Canadian summers are hot and humid! Since the press can’t get out to take a refreshing dip, it’s our responsibility to keep it cool. That’s why you may comment on how chilly it is in the shop, or make note of our staff dressed in sweaters and jeans. Our 4-colour press doesn’t need the extra time in the morning to warm up and the humidity is actually beneficial, however the temperature at JB needs to be moderated for our paper stock. 

The humidity can sometimes cause paper to ripple. Again our lighter stock is most affected by the moisture because it ripples easier making it tricky to run. Thankfully, our press operators have lots of tricks they use to pinpoint problems which they can often fix on the spot. 

Although summer is the easier season for us to print in, we still must be aware of the day-to-day temperature changes. Daily temperature changes make it more difficult than printing at a consistent temperature, keeping our press operators constantly on their toes! 


For the most part the changing seasons don’t affect our digital press and we don't need to wait for the paper to acclimatize too long. The humidity is actually helpful in creating a better environment for gold & silver sleeking. 

Through our combined years of experience we have learned many tricks of the trade to keep our presses running smoothly all year round, no matter the season. Though summer is without a doubt the easier season for us to print in, we happily provide our services throughout the winter months to ensure that our clients print needs are met. 

Our digital & offset presses and bindery equipment are phenomenal machines that are ready to work no matter the season thanks to the operators who run them. Whether it’s a humid summer day causing paper to ripple, or a dry, cold snap in the winter creating static electricity, we have many solutions to run our presses quickly and smoothly. Although we know you might not enjoy the humidity quite as much as our presses do, from the humans at JB: have a fun and cool summer! 

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Liv Liv


Many of us have learned the saying “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” since we were children, but we may not be following it to our true potential. 

At JB Print we are committed to reducing our carbon footprint. So, in honour of Earth Week, let’s take the opportunity to reflect on how we can all become more responsible, green citizens and #BeTheChange. 

Reduce (and Refuse) 

Reduce your consumption of harmful products in your life, such as non-recyclable packaging 

Did you know? 

Non-recyclable items include: mirrors, ceramics, plastic wrap, packing peanuts, photographs, polystyrene and Styrofoam, plastic toys/sports equipment, foam egg cartons and more. 

What can you do to help? 

You can replace certain plastic packaging with paper packaging. Some examples include: 

  • Traditional Styrofoam packing peanuts can be replaced with paper shreds, cornstarch made packing peanuts or even air pouches

  • Egg cartons can also be made from paper fibres

  • Instead of plastic wrap, consider using reusable containers

  • Styrofoam can be replaced with mushroom packaging


When purchasing products consider reusability factors and lifecycle. For example, if something has a short lifecycle but is 100% recyclable (and therefore being “reused”) it may be better for the environment than something that will sit in a landfill when it reaches it’s end of life. 

What can you do to help?

  • Up-cycle old furniture and other items instead of throwing them out and purchasing new

  • Consider purchasing from places such as Habitat For Humanity, Value Village or Talize

  • Use reusable bags or packaging for your lunches, grocery shopping and more!

  • Avoid plastic straws and consider purchasing a reusable straw made from aluminum or using paper straws

  • Consider buying gifts that will last longer such as potted bulbs or trees that can be planted


Recycle and compost as much as you can!

Did you know?

  • Some cities have special recycling locations for items such as batteries, cleaners and other hazardous waste supplies to avoid them ending up in landfills.

What can you do to help?

  • Ensure your recycling is sorted and organized – this will make it easier at the sorting plant and more likely that all of your items will be recycled

  • Donate usable items to places like Value Village, Habitat for Humanity, etc or have a yardsale– this will ensure someone else can reuse it instead of it ending up in a landfill


Help remove waste from your life and our environment!

Did you know?

In 2017, over 1600 people volunteered in the Quinte region at the annual Trash Bash!

What can you do to help?

  • Follow the Reduce, Reuse, Recycle philosophy

  • Get involved in community activities such as Trash Bash, Earth Hour, and more!

  • Encourage family and friends and other community members to join you – ultimately reducing and removing waste from our environment


Here are some additional resources for further research:

Do you have something you’d like to share with the community?

Sharing ideas can lead to positive change in our world! We encourage you to take part and share one of your own ideas for a CHANCE TO WIN! Leave a simple environmental tip in the comments by Friday, April 27th, 2018 at 5:00pm and you’ll be entered to WIN 1 of 3 great prizes from Dahlia May Flower Farm!

Interested in how we at JB Print constantly strive to reduce our carbon footprint? 

 Read our previous blog by Karen: 


I hope you adopt some of the points above; the world will thank you for it! 

Thanks for reading, 
Lindsay Conley 
Graphic Designer 

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Liv Liv


Customer Relations is a major part of any business. It represents a line of communication between the production process and the customer or end-user of the product. This level of communication helps to ensure the product is made quickly and correctly to the customer’s specification, as well as ensuring that the business has all the information they need to create the product. Business benefits from customer relations, whether a large corporation or a mom and pop shop. Customer relations, or customer service, are the way a business communicates and interacts with the public to gain and retain customers. Small businesses like JB Print Solutions need to cultivate good customer relations to attract and keep a loyal base of customers. JB Print Solutions is a huge believer in giving back to the community through events and partnerships with clients. We believe there is nothing greater than helping and supporting the community that supports you. 


Knowing your customer can help create a deeper understanding of what they’re looking for, and nothing in business is more important than strong communication. Knowing clients face-to-face allows JB to create a level of comfort with them. In the print world it is critical to know exactly what the customer is looking for, to see their vision of their company and how they want their company to be viewed by their customers and the general public. Here at JB Print we are always looking for ways to exceed our customers’ expectations, and knowing what they want by having strong dialog throughout the process gives us a great head start. 


Of course communication is a two-way street between a customer and the business. Clients should convey their thoughts and ideas to JB Print and make sure to approve samples to ensure the product is printed just as they want it. This level of communication helps JB to ensure that the customer knows exactly what they are getting and the Design team knows exactly what they are creating. We are available to consult and design with, just make an appointment with our design team and either come into Jb to see them, or have them come to you. We also offer press checks for colour etc, and will show you exactly what your end product will look like. Our design team will help you with ideas and will help people fully understand what their expectations are. Sometimes the design team will make suggestions that you hadn’t considered about the product and allow you to take a different path with it, such as realizing your information would best fit a brochure rather than a rack card. 


We work with our customers every step of the way and someone is always available to supply you with information about what specs such as size, colour, finishing, you would like for your project. In fact we encourage people to come to the shop to talk over their projects and view samples. We are passionate about what we do and love to share that with you. You can even tour the shop with owner Ian Anderson to have a better understanding about what goes on here and how your product is made.Our estimator will also work closely with you to help determine the best price breaks that relate to the item you want to order. We never want our customers to feel like they don’t have enough of what they ordered because they were unaware that there was more cost-effective options available. Here at JB we know you are passionate about your business, which is why we are so passionate about what we print for you, and making sure that it meets or exceeds your expectations. 


There are is always room for improvement and here at JB we are always looking for suggestions and feedback from our customers as to how we can improve our services for them. We encourage your reviews on Google and on our Facebook page, or contact someone here at JB directly. If you have any questions about what we can do for you or if you have an idea or new project you want to get started on you can give us a call at 613-394-3245. Or email Ian Anderson at or Brenda Bell at

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Liv Liv


In celebration of National Proofreading Day, we’d like to share some tips to help you proof your designs as best possible before they become ink on paper! 

Proofreading is an integral step in the printing process. Proper spelling and grammar gives your business credibility. Imagery that is visually captivating and makes sense helps to tell your story and draw attention. Accurate content informs your customers and allows them to easily connect with your business. 

In the graphic design department we set up small runs like business cards with only a few key words to content-rich booklets and brochures. Whether there’s one word or 3000, we always ask our customers to proof and proofread before we hit “PRINT.” 

What is PROOFING? 

Proofing is reviewing the entire design, including content, graphics, overall layout and verifying that the job is accurate before it goes to print. Proofing can be done electronically when we email a PDF (soft proof), or physically (hard proof). If requested, we can provide you with a pre-press proof of your printed material which will allow you to check the quality and colours of your design when printed. 

What is PROOFREADING (and how is it different from proofing?) 

Proofreading is when you focus on reviewing your content to detect and correct errors before it goes to print. 

Why is proofing important? 

Catching errors before they go to print will keep your project on track and save you from costly re-prints. You don’t want to notice an incorrect phone number on your flyer while you’re picking them up, or worse after mailed them out to thousands of potential customers. As soon as someone has a printed copy in their hands they spot obvious errors or omissions that weren’t noticed on screen. I highly recommend printing off the proof we emailed to you, and taking a good look at it. Don’t be afraid to mark it up with a pen to make sure you don’t forget any of the necessary revisions when you send them over to us. 

Here are a 3 things to look at when proofing your designs for print: 

1. Content: 

Reviewing your content should happen many times before you begin the design process and many times along the way. It’s helpful to have finalized content before we start designing in order to avoid major layout adjustments and save you money in design fees. 

Here’s a few things to look for when reviewing your content: 

A) Check for spelling errors: Check before you send the content to our design team and check it again when we send you a proof. 

A few ways to spell check: (For a thorough review do each of these steps every time you proofread.) 

- Print it off – You’ll catch mistakes easier on a printed copy than on screen. The solidity of the paper helps keep your eyes and brain on track. 

- Read it backwards – This will help you focus on the words and their spelling rather than reading the sentence as a whole. 

- Spell check on your computer – Keep in mind that your computer won’t catch all grammar errors or typos, and is likely set to American spelling rather than Canadian spelling (i.e. Color vs Colour) 

- Have someone else read it – even better, have as many people as possible read it! You’re an expert on your content, so you may not notice if a key piece of the story is missing. Have someone who isn’t familiar with the content read it. They’re more likely to stumble if information is missing. 

- Read it out loud – it’s easier to tell if the sentences sound unnatural when you hear them out loud. 

B) Does the content make sense? Does the content flow in a logical manner? Is there too much content or too little? Is there anything that is repetitive or unnecessary? 

C) Is the contact information correct? Check that names are properly spelt. Have someone who doesn’t know your contact information by heart test your phone numbers, web addresses and social media handles to make sure they work.   

D) Is the information accurate? Are your prices correct? Do your charts add up? 

2. Graphics: 

A) Are the logos current, good quality and a good representation of your company’s identity? 

B) Photos and imagery: Do the photos and graphics makes sense? Are they good quality? Are they repetitive, uninteresting or inconsistent? For example – if your brochure uses all black and white images but suddenly there is an image that is full colour this may seem out of place. 

3. Overall Layout and Design: 

A) Does the content flow in the logical manner? When we start to design we often make a mock-up of your printed material to determine where the information would make the most sense. 

B) Are you happy with the “feel” of it? Do you like the way that the colours, text and images work together? Is there anything that doesn’t sit right with you? Is the design consistent with the rest of your company’s print collateral? Is it what you expected? 

C) Are the specifications correct? (i.e. Have we sent you a design for a single-sided business card, but you had imagined a double-sided business card?) 

D) Are there any inconsistencies? (i.e. all of the titles are in blue text, but one is green) 

Once you’re CERTAIN that everything is perfect, check it again! 

When everything has been thoroughly proofed, compiling your notes into one email is the most efficient way to have changes made. 

If you’ve found these tips helpful and want a checklist for proofing, just send an email to 

Emily Gebhardt
Graphic Designer

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Liv Liv

What is that smell? 

Something we hear a lot here at the shop is customers asking what they smell when they come in the door. Most print shops in the industry have a fairly unique smell to them. I say most because the aromas coming from the shop are mostly tied to a printing press and not all shops have their own press on site. Here at JB, we have two presses and a digital/vinyl shop that add their own little part to the overall experience. Here is how it all breaks down. 


Inks for the offset presses are likely the thing someone would smell when they come into the shop to pickup their printed material. Certainly in years past this would have been the predominant smell in any print shop. Thankfully, since the early 90's the trade has made the transition from petroleum based inks to vegetable based inks which has made them both substantially less odorous, but also considerably less toxic and safer. This makes the staff of the shop a lot happier as they don't go home smelling like a press! 

Cleaners and solutions 

Likely the second most common thing that gives a print shop it's signature smell is the cleaners and solutions used to make the print happen. Fountain solution is a tap water and concentrate mix that is used in a printing press to keep the ink where you want it and away from where you don't on the sheet of paper. Now that the industry has gone away from petroleum based inks, this solution can be a lot less potent than it used to be, reducing it's smell. Subsequently, the cleaners needed to clean these inks up can be reduced. Just like if you spilled canola oil in your house, you would want to use a grease/oil cutting cleaner to get your surface clean. The press is no different. To get these veggie inks off the rollers in the press, we use a cleaner that is pretty similar to a household cleaner, Varsol. Dilute this cleaner with tap water and you have a powerful cleaner for the press. 


Just like inks, the toner used in our digital and vinyl wrap presses have a bit of smell to them when they are in use. Toners are heated up to make them bond to what they are being printed on. This is when they emit their signature smell. Same with the lamination process. Adhesives are used to bond the plastic coatings to the material they are being bonded to. 

The mix of all the above categories make up the signature perfume of a print shop. Thankfully, as the years and technology progresses, the strength of this perfume is changing to something a lot more faint. 

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