If JB could be summed up in one word it would be “community”!  We are dedicated to our community and our many customers that make this a wonderful place to be. JB gives back to the community through various fundraisers and charity events and none more special to our hearts than the Sarcoma Step and Fetch recently held on Sept 24th. 

Over 15,000 dollars was raised for Sarcoma research and more importantly awareness which was the primary focus of this event when it was started by our mentor and friend Teresa Bell eight years ago. Teresa saw the need to reach out and help others going through the same journey she was on; she wanted to make a difference. By creating this event to help educate us on this type of cancer, she helped bring people together for a common cause. 

This year’s event was in her memory as we honoured our wonderful friend who ended her journey with sarcoma cancer in December 2016.  Once again our community of businesses jumped on board with sponsorships, prizes,  and individuals who gave their time to volunteer to man fact card stops, pass out water bottles, take registrations, bake, cook, set up and tear down, clean up, you name it, there was someone willing to help and for that we cannot thank you enough. 

The News shows us so much negativity present in this world  that it is wonderful to see people come together  to do something positive and support one another. It is through our actions that we truly represent who we are as a person, as a company, or as a community. By doing what you can with what you have, you make a difference everyday in the life of someone. 

Back on Sept 24th, young and old came together to be part of something special.  Stories were shared as well as laughs and tears. Teresa taught us that it is not about what you can’t do, but about what you can do, and this wonderful community understands that message better than anyone. 

As soon as my aunt had the idea of Sarcoma Steps we were all eager to help. She was always up to something, and as her family we followed her through every adventure; the Step and Fetch, although, is probably one of my favourites. My brother and I have run the children’s games since they were first started and it was amazing to see families come back year, after year. Being able to carry on her event was an honour. 

Aunt Teresa was one of the most well spoken people I knew, and very quickly became a spokesperson for cancer research. She proudly represented an unbreakable will, with the drive to fight. She truly embodied the Fierce Grace name as a warrior against Cancer 

The staff of JB print solutions would like to thank everyone from the bottom of our hearts for the wonderful support we received from our many volunteers and sponsors that made this event possible. 

Thank you 
Brenda and Shae-Lynn Bell 


